Bournemouth, Poole & District Branch

Royal Tank Regiment Association





Ladies Lunch
January 2011

Contact Us
Ladies Lunch - January 2011
Peter, master of ceremonies!
Our Gathering
Our Gathering
The dining room.
The Chairman Addresses The Assembled Guests.
Table 2.
Table 1.
Table 3.
Table 4.
Table 4.
The dining room.
The dining room.
The dining room.
Table 3.
The dining room.
The dining room.
.The dining room.
The prizes.
The Regimental Colonel picks the ladies prize winning ticket.
The ladies winning prize.
Choosing the prize ticket.
The raffle in progress.
A winner.
A member of staff wins in the raffle!
Table 3.
Table 4.
The raffle in progress.
Table 4.
Andy reviewing his winning tickets.
The staff.
Winning tickets!
Our Secretary with his mum.
Another Member of staff is a winner!
The staff with their winnings!
Our Chairman with the Regimental Colonel.
Our Chairman & Secretary with the Regimental Colonel.
The Royal Tank Regiment

1st Royal Tank Regiment

3rd Royal Tank Regiment

The Army Rumour Service

The Junior Leaders RAC OBA

Tankies On The Net